Tensiones éticas y bioéticas que se suscitan en los estudiantes de odontología
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Revelo Motta, G. E. (2023). Tensiones éticas y bioéticas que se suscitan en los estudiantes de odontología. Meridiano - Revista Colombiana De Salud Mental, 2(2). https://doi.org/10.26852/28059107.674


Objective: to know the scientific production about the ethical and bioethical tensions of dental students. Methodology: a review of the literature analyzed according to the subject was made. Results: three categories were developed: (1) uncertainties and ethical anxieties in dental students; (2) student challenges to reflect critically and (3) students of dentistry and social responsibility. Conclusions: the experiences of ethical tensions of dental students in their professional training are multiple, it is necessary to promote the critical reflection of the student and the social responsibility to benefit those who cannot access health services.

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