Introduction: Suicidal behavior is a public health problem that affects approximately 800,000 people per year, mainly affecting low- and middle-income countries.
Methodology: A retrospective descriptive study was developed of a cohort of patients who attended the emergency department for suicidal behavior, who were treated in seven high complexity hospitals in different regions of Colombia between 2.020 and 2.021. Data were extracted from the suicidal behavior surveillance system SISVECOS (by its acronym in Spanish) and from the patients' medical records. Cases were classified according to type of event, mechanism of injury, behavior, and status at discharge from care.
Results: A total of 1,190 patients with suicidal behavior were reported, with a higher proportion of females (64.62%, n=769) compared with 35.38% (n=421) of males. The median age was 22 years, the mean was 26 years and the standard deviation was 13 years. The most common presenting event was attempted suicide with 68.82% (n=819), followed by suicidal ideation with 27.65% (n=329), and completed suicide was 0.92% (n=11) of the cases. In addition, an increase in reported cases was observed in 2,021 compared to 2,020 (65.97% versus 34.03%).
Conclusions: A behavior similar to that reported in the literature was observed. There is a need for strategies to address suicidal behavior, especially in the young population, which presented the highest number of cases. Research should be continued and risk factors should be studied in more depth.
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