Degree of disability according to the WHODAS 2.0 questionnaire in adults hospitalized in a mental health center.
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How to Cite

Fonseca Durango, S., Molano Ardila, K. tatiana, Gil Gomez, J. sebastian ., Solano Manjarrez, A., & Martinez Lopez, N. D. (2023). Degree of disability according to the WHODAS 2.0 questionnaire in adults hospitalized in a mental health center. Meridiano - Revista Colombiana De Salud Mental, 2(1), 58-65.


Mental health according to WHO is an important component of an individual's well-being and overall health. The WHODAS 2.0 questionnaire is an instrument created by the WHO to objectively measure the degree of disability of a patient with mental illness. Measuring the level of disability has been of great importance in clinical practice since this criterion has guided interventions, treatments and strategies for the improvement of the patient's quality of life. This project has been relevant to identify the characteristics and different degrees of disability and the impact they have on the spheres of life, in order to quantitatively measure the difficulties faced by adults with a diagnosis of mental illness. Objective: To determine the degree of disability according to the WHODAS questionnaire in adults diagnosed with mental illness Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive observational study was carried out; male and female patients with a diagnosis of psychiatric illness, belonging to the WHO adult classification, hospitalized in a mental health center were taken. Exclusion criteria were patients who did not agree to give informed consent or whose guardian did not agree to participate in this study and presence of clinical instability. Conclusion: In almost all domains the patients have a mild disability, with the exception of the participation domain, which was the most affected by these pathologies, presenting a moderate disability.
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