INTRODUCTION: For centuries medicine has made important contributions to the knowledge and survival of the human race, has helped to prevent its extinction in various pandemics and epidemic outbreaks caused by multiple diseases, today is one of the longest careers and needs more dedication, for this reason several of his students feel a burden of responsibility and high stress, as a result of this arise bad habits that can be, both food, as in the quality of sleep. The main objective of this Scoping Review is to find some relationship between the frequent consumption of caffeine, with poor sleep hygiene in medical students, and to see if these factors are related to the development of mental disorders, specifically depression and anxiety. METHODS: To satisfy this search need, different scientific studies were used to reach the conclusion that there is a relationship between the development of depression and anxiety due to poor sleep quality, using the structure of Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis Protocols (PRISMA-ScR). RESULTS: Five articles were included in the review. Depression is more common in female students; most of the studies included on depression and anxiety are limited to medical students due to the great academic load and psychosocial pressure that this entails (9). A total of 27.64% of the students reported poor sleep quality and 4.11% very poor sleep quality (22). No direct relationship was found between caffeine consumption and depression (21), however, a relationship was found between poor sleep hygiene, medical students and caffeine consumption.
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