Introduction: Mental disorders have a complex treatment and control, and its origin may be attributed to different factors that are involved in the development of these problems, being one of these causes diet. Currently, ultraprocessed food is within the diet of people because of its high energy content, easy access, and pleasant stimulation. The objective of this review is to know the association between the progression of symptoms in patients diagnosed with mild depression towards the diagnosis of moderate or severe depression due to excessive consumption of ultraprocessed foods.
Methods: In the present article, a scoping review was made based on the methodological frame of Kasaju, et al., using databases such as PubMed and Embase for the identification of relevant information.
Results: A total of 4 articles were found showing a direct and bidirectional relationship between the intake of ultraprocessed foods and the development of depressive symptoms, according to Bayes, J., et al, there is a low consumption of healthy food and high in fast foods in people diagnosed with depression in comparison with healthy controls (p<0,015) (Bayes et al., 2020). Symptoms such as stress and anxiety were detected which are factors directly related to major depression, followed by depression in the patient, related to the high intake of ultraprocessed foods in comparison with healthy controls (p<0,0001) (Lane et al., 2022a).
Conclusion: Exposure to processed food intake in different frequencies is directly associated with the evolution of mental disorders such as depression.
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