Shoulder ultrasound
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Manguito de los rotadores
Dolor de hombro
Tendón Rotator cuff
Shoulder pain

How to Cite

Mantilla, R. ., Vega, A. F. ., & Rodríguez, R. . (2014). Shoulder ultrasound: A diagnostic alternative to rotator cuff ruptures. Revista Médica Sanitas, 17(2), 82-93. Retrieved from //


Introduction: tears of the rotator cuff are a frequent cause of shoulder pain. Physical examination and plain x-ray findings are only suggestive of a tear diagnosis. The difficulties of a clinical evaluation and the high costs of MRI, make shoulder ultrasound an affordable, convenient, economic and quick method with diagnostic accuracy that helps to confirm the presence of tears and to make a differential diagnosis versus clinical conditions that mimic these lesions. Objectives: 1) To describe the ultrasound technique in the assessment of rotator cuff tears. 2) To discuss the most relevant ultrasound findings in rotator cuff ruptures. 3) To discuss the scientific evidence of consistency between shoulder ultrasound and MRI in rotator cuff tears. Methodology: a non-systematic technical literature review was completed, including the ultrasound findings in rotator cuff tears and the state of the art in terms of sensitivity and specificity versus MRI. Conclusion: ultrasound is a powerful and accurate tool for the diagnosis of rotator cuff tears, with sensitivity and specificity similar to MRI, which helps to confirm the diagnosis in challenging clinical or radiological cases. Ultrasound is also helpful in differentiating anomalies that mimic tears and gives the examiner a detailed anatomic view of the shoulder.

PDF (Español (España))


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