Factores relacionados con la aparición de lumbalgia en las enfermeras
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Dolor lumbar inespecífico
Enfermedad ocupacional
Factor de riesgo
Factor protector
Auxiliar de enfermería Low back pain
Occupational disease
Risk factor
Protector factor
Aids nurse

How to Cite

Peña, J. L., & Solano, A. M. (2009). Factores relacionados con la aparición de lumbalgia en las enfermeras. Revista Médica Sanitas, 12(4), 26-32. Retrieved from //revistas.unisanitas.edu.co/index.php/rms/article/view/210


The impact of diseases in nursing is not only sensitive to the individuals who suffer from the disease but is extended to the family, the society, the economy and especially the patient. The living conditions, the work environment and the economy are factors that have contributed to the ever more frequent diseases of the guild, which not only deteriorate the quality of life of the individuals, but the world’s economy, that suffers a negative impact due to the high cost and the burden of the disease. The aim of our work is to identify factors associated with the onset of back pain during nursing care. Method: systematic review study type. Results: based on the results of this systematic review we identified a number of risk factors associated with low back pain in nurses: factors related to working conditions (physical), individual factors, factors related to environmental conditions, work systems factors and organizational factors. Conclusions: based on previous results we conclude that both physical and psychological factors are linked to the onset of back pain in nursing staff, either by manual transfer of patients between bed / wheelchair and bath, or low mood in their workplace.

PDF (Español (España))


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