El suicidio y los factores de riesgo asociados en niños y adolescentes
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Ideación suicida
Intento de suicidio
Suicidio consumado Suicidal ideation
Attempt of suicide
Suicidal act

How to Cite

Cabra, O. L., Infante, D. C., & Sossa , F. N. (2010). El suicidio y los factores de riesgo asociados en niños y adolescentes. Revista Médica Sanitas, 13(2), 28-35. Retrieved from //revistas.unisanitas.edu.co/index.php/rms/article/view/268


Background: the suicide and the attempt of suicide are a phenomenon little studied in the paediatric population and the epidemiological information in this age group is unreliable in our country; for these reasons is the importance of this study. Methods: it proposes the development of an extended review of the literature; this search is realized in the databases of the ministry of the Social Protection, OMS, OPS, Medline y LILACS. We realize a critical analysis of literature from each of the documents acquired, evaluating the proposed methodology, and the components exposed in each of the studies. Results: the suicide in children and teenagers is one of the problems that confronts our society of an increasing way and it is a phenomenon multifactorial that includes causal biological, psychological and social factors. Conclusions: after the present investigation is considered that the problem of suicide in children and teenagers involves multiple factors that must be approached as soon as possible from different levels such as family, school, public health authorities, to emphasize the risk factors that can encourage children to make this decision.

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