Contents of adverse events reports registered by pre-graduate students during their hospital training in Mexico
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Seguridad del paciente
Errores médicos Students
Patient safety
Medical errors

How to Cite

Martínez Ozuna, G., González de Jesús, . C., & Santos Guzmán, J. (2018). Contents of adverse events reports registered by pre-graduate students during their hospital training in Mexico. Revista Médica Sanitas, 21(2), 58-68. Retrieved from //


Objective: to analyze the content of the adverse event reports, during the adverse event reporting training course for health science students evaluating the information they included between 2007 and 2010. Methodology: a descriptive, transversal of retrospective data from the hospital adverse or sentinel events remembered by the students in their hospital staying, as part of a medical administration course exercise. Results: from the 205 adverse and sentinel events reported cases reports during 2007-2010 period, 82.4 % developed complication or permanent sequelae and 22.4 % of these cases were fatal, 30.2 % of the reported case were obstetrics, 29.8 % were surgical complications, 12.2 % were metabolic disease complications, 12.2 % were infectious disease complications and 2.4 % were hemorrhages. The students were unaware of corrective measures in 56.1 % of cases, administrative corrective measures were mentioned in 35.4 % of cases, and no measures were taken in 8.4 % of cases. In the Student’s adverse event reporting format 62 % of them recommended better medical protocols, chart reviews, pre-surgical checklists, and better follow-up of the adverse event cases. In 33.1 % of cases, students recommended better medical team communication, propaedeutic, materials and instruments, and a need of personal education. Student recommend legal demand only in 2.6 % of the cases. Finally, in 2.1 % of the cases students made no recommendation. Discussion: The teaching efforts to develop adverse events management skills in hospital care requires continued training and follow up of the observed improvements, even that these training effort were made in early phases of the student training, there are considered insufficient to create a permanent change in the clinical safety culture.

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