Suicidal behavior at the Clínica Universitaria Colombia 2011-2012
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Conducta suicida
Intento de suicidio
Suicidio consumado Suicide
Suicidal behavior
Suicidal attempt
Consummate suicide

How to Cite

Martínez Silva , P. A. ., Villalba Toquica, C. del P. ., & Oliveros Pasión, L. E. . (2014). Suicidal behavior at the Clínica Universitaria Colombia 2011-2012. Revista Médica Sanitas, 17(2), 62-69. Retrieved from //


Introduction: suicidal behavior represents a global Mental Health and Public Health concern. The epidemiological surveillance of this event may help in the identification of factors for prevention. Objective: to describe the presentation of suicidal behavior (suicidal attempt and consummate suicide), at the Clínica Universitaria Colombia during 2011 through 2012. Methodology: retrospective, descriptive trial using the data from the Epidemiological Surveillance System on Suicidal Behavior at the Clínica Universitaria Colombia. Data consolidation in Excel and univariate analysis in Stata 12. Results: in 2011 there were 31 suicidal attempts, mostly working age females, associated with difficulties in their relationship with their partners and affective mental disorders. In 2012 there were 116 cases with similar characteristics to the previous year. In both years there was one event with a fatal outcome – consummated suicide. Conclusions: the suicidal behaviors seen at the Clínica Universitaria Colombia (Bogotá-Colombia) are similar to those reported in the literature. However, the role of suicidal attempts associated to various types of mental disorders is remarkable and stresses the need to take actions for improving Mental Health programs and models.

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