Perception of risk factors for cancer among members of a health benefits plan administration entity, Colombia 2018 
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Tamizaje masivo
Factores de riesgo
Percepción Early detection of cancer
Risk factors
Tobacco smoke

How to Cite

Martinez, O., Barrera , A. ., & Tolosa, N. (2019). Perception of risk factors for cancer among members of a health benefits plan administration entity, Colombia 2018 . Revista Médica Sanitas, 22(3), 87-111. Retrieved from //


Introduction: In Colombia, insurers and providers of the system health deliver information and screening for the types of cancer more prevalent. However, the late diagnosis could be explained by the low level of perception of the risk factors associated with cancer, among other causes. Objective: Establish the perception, knowledge and importance of a group of risk factors for cancer among members of an EAPB (for their initials in Spanish). Methodology: A cross-sectional study was conducted using a telephone survey of 410 members of the EAPB. A scale of 1 to 10 was established to rate each of the risk factors assessed. Two groups of analysis were defined (low importance: 0-6, high importance: 7-10). Descriptive, bivariate and multivariate methods were used for statistical analysis. Results: Tobacco obtained the highest frequency of high importance (88.5%), the lowest importance was exposure to power cables (62.4%). Family history of cancer was the factor had the highest score in relation to the independent variables. Women are more likely to perceive the factors evaluated as being of high importance, being statistically significant for the diet (RP diet= 1.32; p= 0.001). The perception of risk also varies in accordance with previous knowledge of cancer and the fear it generates. Conclusions: There is a high perception of some cancer risk factors, which is modified based on individual attributes, previous knowledge of the cancer and the fear it produces. It is essential to communicate risk assertively among members and promoting self-care and access to prevention programs.

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