Prevention measures for influenza transmission in agricultural workers from a pathogenesis analysis 
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Gripe aviar
Infecciones por orthomyxoviridae
Prevención de enfermedades
Agricultores Influenza in birds
Orthomyxoviridae infections
Disease prevention

How to Cite

Saldaña, D. A. ., & Majey, A. del P. . (2019). Prevention measures for influenza transmission in agricultural workers from a pathogenesis analysis . Revista Médica Sanitas, 22(3), 112-119. Retrieved from //


Influenza virus has become an infectious agent of great importance in vulnerable populations, being one of main causes of morbidity in the world. For the specific case of agricultural sector workers, the zoonotic disease character allows the virus to present changes in its structure, which can lead to an increase in germ infective capacity. This article aims to describe the measures that can be adopted in prevention of virus transmission seen from disease pathogenesis and based on implications it has on public health. Bearing in mind that genetic shift of disease covers not only the health of the workers, but also general health population.

PDF (Español (España))


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