Generalized presentation of tetanus in a pediatric patient: A case report and literature review
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Términos DeCS: Clostridium, Clostridium tetani, Tétanos, Toxoides, Pediatría TérminosMeSH: Clostridium, clostridium tetani, tetanus, toxoids, pediatrics

How to Cite

Yepes nuñez, J. sebastian. (2022). Generalized presentation of tetanus in a pediatric patient: A case report and literature review: . Revista Médica Sanitas, 24(2).



Introduction: Tetanus is generated by the microorganism Clostridium tetani, its incidence has drastically decreased worldwide, since the development and implementation of tetanus immunization, however, in developing countries the disease continues to be an important pathology. Different types of clinical presentation have been documented, such as localized, generalized, neonatal and cephalic manifestations, with generalized being the most common type.

Objective: To present the case of a 7-year-old patient from a rural area, with a traumatic antecedent in the first artery of the right foot, who later presents classic signs of systemic manifestations of tetanus. The case is presented due to the infrequency of the pathology.

Methods: Case report with literature review

Results: Timely diagnosis and management are important since the natural course of the disease includes fatal outcomes, while timely intervention significantly reduces morbidity and mortality in patients.

Conclusions: The three basic pillars of timely management are essential, such as the administration of antitetanus toxin, antimicrobial management and support measures, but it should be considered that even with the proper management, the exposure and the nervous compromise generated by the toxin is irreversible, even so progress of the condition can be prevented.
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