Habits Regarding the Consumption of Ultra-Processed Foods in Nursing Students
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alimentos ultra procesados
hábitos alimenticios
estudiantes universitarios
obesidad Nutrition
Ultra-processed foods
Eating habits
University students

How to Cite

Varela Córdoba, D. ., Cardona, J. S. ., García, L. T. ., & Mora Espinoza, B. . (2023). Habits Regarding the Consumption of Ultra-Processed Foods in Nursing Students. Revista Médica Sanitas, 26(4). https://doi.org/10.26852/01234250.681


A healthy diet involves consuming a variety of natural foods without any additives and minimizing the intake of processed and ultra-processed foods. Technological and scientific advancements have led to lifestyle changes, influenced by technology and science, altering not only the way people live but also how they eat. Natural foods have undergone significant modifications, presenting in various forms that make them more appealing for consumption. However, these modifications can be highly detrimental to health, depending on the type of biological transformation applied.

Ultra-processed foods, which can pose serious health problems, derive from sources such as oils, fats, flours, starches, and sugar. Some originate from additional transformation of food elements, such as the conversion of oils through hydrogenation (creating harmful trans fats), the breakdown of proteins by hydrolysis, and the alteration of starches to produce sugars. According to the OPS (Organización Panamericana de la Salud), the increased consumption of highly processed foods is potentially the primary dietary factor contributing to the rise in obesity and non-communicable chronic diseases.

PDF (Español (España))


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