¿What impact does the use of intravenous fluids have on a surgical patient? 
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Edema Fluid therapy

How to Cite

Ibarra , P. . (2018). ¿What impact does the use of intravenous fluids have on a surgical patient? . Revista Médica Sanitas, 21(4), 173-177. Retrieved from //revistas.unisanitas.edu.co/index.php/rms/article/view/386


Although fluid therapy is a routine medical intervention in surgical patients, it is poorly supported by scientific evidence. In the last decade, multiple studies have been published questioning the traditional approaches and instead suggesting a more careful fluid administration where the goal is to maintain normovolemia. The key concept is the prevention of tissue edema which hinders the healing process in major surgery. The simplest method to identify excess fluid administration is perioperative weight monitoring.

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