Experience in the implementation of the clinical practice guidelines for acute coronary syndrome at the Colombia University Clinic
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Síndrome Coronario Agudo
Guía de Práctica Clínica
Método de la Ruta Crítica
Indicadores de Calidad de la Atención de Salud
Servicios Médicos de Urgencia Acute coronary syndrome
Clinical Practice
Critical path method
Quality Indicators
Health Care
Emergency Medical Services

How to Cite

Barrero, L. I. ., Álvarez, . C. A. ., Lineros , A. ., Arias, C. A. ., Rojas, J. A. ., & Castellanos, J. . (2016). Experience in the implementation of the clinical practice guidelines for acute coronary syndrome at the Colombia University Clinic. Revista Médica Sanitas, 19(1), 16-23. Retrieved from //revistas.unisanitas.edu.co/index.php/rms/article/view/463


Introduction: Developing Clinical Practice Guidelines does not ensure per se that health staff will use them, therefore it is necessary to develop strategies for implementation. Hence, the institution adopted the Clinical Practice Guideline on Acute Coronary Syndrome issued by the Ministry of Health and Social Wealth, as a first implementation exercise. Aim: To present the experience of implementation and preliminary results of adherence to the Guide on Acute Coronary Syndrome. Methodology: During the second half of 2015, a multidisciplinary team conducted an implementation plan of the Guide on Acute Coronary Syndrome was conducted, along with the measuring of process indicators. Moreover, the team put together the clinical pathway and a summary of recommendations and activities in the area of resuscitation. Results: For the measurement of adherence 32 patients with acute coronary syndrome were reviewed with ST elevation, 23 of them with a less than or equal to 12 hours evolution. Amongst them, 74% were male and the average age was 67 years. The patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention or fibrinolysis were 18 and 5 respectively. ‘Time door ball’ compliance was 74%, ‘needle door time’ 60%, and ‘fibrinolysis-angiography time’ 100%. Conclusion: Having recommendations in place based on the best evidence is not sufficient to improve the quality of health care. Quantifying clinical practices through simple indicators is, however, an opportunity to improve care and optimize health resources.

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