Case control design 
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Estudios de casos y controles
Oportunidad relativa
Tamaño de la muestra
Sesgo Case-control studies
Odds ratio
Sample size

How to Cite

Palacios, M. A. . (2019). Case control design . Revista Médica Sanitas, 22(3), 131-136. Retrieved from //


Case-control study design is optimal for study of conditions with low prevalence and it is routinely used in the study of outbreaks in epidemiological surveillance. Its strengths include a brief development time, low cost, and smaller sample sizes than those in cohort studies for equally rare conditions. However, this design is highly susceptible to selection, information and confounding biases, and extensive measures should be taken to control them. It is the clinical expert’s role to guide the statistical analysis by providing an informed identification of potential confounders, because may be lacked validity without incorporation of prior knowledge. Lastly, it is also expert’s responsibility to effectively interpret any measures of association, by undertaking careful analysis of results clinical significance beyond any indicator of statistical significance.

PDF (Español (España))


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