Assessment of knowledge and practical foundations of problem - based learnig (pbl) in unisanitas teachers
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Aprendizaje basado en problemas
Educación médica
Métodos de aprendizaje Problem-based learning
Medical education
Learning methods

How to Cite

Torres, M. C., & Pinzón, C. E. (2011). Assessment of knowledge and practical foundations of problem - based learnig (pbl) in unisanitas teachers. Revista Médica Sanitas, 14(3), 46-56. Retrieved from //


Background: problem based learning is a learning methodology that has proven effective in other contexts. In Colombia, the Fundación Universitaria Sanitas 5 years ago got into the implementation of this methodology, however so far not done a thorough assessment of its implementation and impact of the implementation. Objective: identify and describe the rationale and practical knowledge in classroom problem-based learning (PBL) in teachers of the University Foundation Sanitas. Methodology: this study is part of a first phase in a multiphase study, proposed a methodology to manage concurrent mixed type, as we believe that the results of quantitative component does not affect results of the qualitative component and vice versa in the quantitative component was characterized to the study population in terms of demographic, teaching experience and a qualitative component which assesses the perceptions of teachers compared to PBL within and outside the classroom, limitations, advantages and disadvantages of the methodology, barriers in the process of developing the methodology, This suggested an illuminative evaluation and constant comparative method. Results: information was gathered from 51 teachers (60%) of 85 that make up the faculty of the University, 60% of respondents had two teachers who were not required to fill completely the instrument, these were taken into account in the analysis of the quantitative but not qualitative analysis. 61% (n = 31) of teachers is female and 39% (n = 20) male. In the qualitative component, we observed a disintegration of the fundamental concepts of PBL and clinical practice, the same way most teachers do not identify the phases in the process of implementing problem-based learning, even if they identify differences this with traditional education as well as the advantages of this methodology in the development of additional aspects of the students. Conclusions: the knowledge of PBL in teaching methodology is heterogeneous, it is necessary to integrate the foundations of practice method of implementing the PBL by the teacher in the classroom. Teacher training in the methodology should be an ongoing process and feedback.

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