Ocio: creatividad y aprendizaje de lo divino y lo humano un dilema mal entendido en el paradigma educativo contemporáneo
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Ocio Creativity

How to Cite

García , G. A. (2009). Ocio: creatividad y aprendizaje de lo divino y lo humano un dilema mal entendido en el paradigma educativo contemporáneo. Revista Médica Sanitas, 12(3), 54-65. Retrieved from //revistas.unisanitas.edu.co/index.php/rms/article/view/205


The creativity in the educational context is still a real problem, as educators we strive constantly to help our students develop the ability to generate new knowledge, techniques and technologies. However, as educators we aren’t aware of the biological, neuroscientist, social and cultural facts that rest behind the creative phenomenon. This article presents the leisure and creativity history in human societies, through the classical paradigms of pedagogy, citing scientific developments in this area, and finally takes a critical stance in this regard.

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