The impact of antibiotic stewardship on antibiotic consumption, bacterial resistance and health-care associated infections rates in a health institution
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Farmacoresistencia microbiana
Infección hospitalaria Anti-infective agents
Antibacterial drug resistance
Hospitals infections

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Álvarez Moreno, C. A. ., Yomayusa G., N. ., Sossa Briceño, M. P., Chacón, J. A. ., Muñoz Latorre, H. J. ., & Barrera, N. . (2013). The impact of antibiotic stewardship on antibiotic consumption, bacterial resistance and health-care associated infections rates in a health institution. Revista Médica Sanitas, 16(1), 18-25. Retrieved from //


Objective: to evaluate the medium-term impact of the implementation of a prudent use of antibiotics (AB) in a tertiary Care level, with respect to consumption of antibiotics (DDD/1000 patient days), bacterial resistance (RB) and incidence of infections associated with health care-associated infections (HAI). Methods: using a model before and after and during a three year period, information was gathered antibiotic consumption, RB profile of isolates from the hospital and IACS, the procedure was performed by an interdisciplinary team involving physicians, nurses and administrative personal. The intervention included a strategy for the development of antibiotic stewardship under supervision of infectious diseases specialist, implementation of antibiotic prophylaxis guidelines. Statistical analysis was performed using the χ(2) test or Fisher exact probability test with a significance level of P < .05 to assess differences between two periods. Results: we obtained a reduction in consumption of almost all antimicrobial groups (carbapenems, glycopeptides, beta-lactams, aminoglycosides,etc) statistically significant (p = 0.01). Significant decrease was observed in the isolates but no decrease in the appearance of the resistance or the rate of IACS. Conclusion: the antimicrobial Stewardship have an effect on the consumption of antibiotics in the medium term. The effects on bacterial resistance can require long-term monitoring.

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