Neuronal network in the detection of diabetic macular edema in eye fondus images
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Inteligencia artificial
Redes neurales
Edema macular
Retinopatía diabética
Técnica de diagnóstico oftalmológico
Procesamiento de imagen asistida por computador Artificial intelligence
Macular edema
Neural networks
Diabetic retinopathy
Diagnostic techniques
Image processing

How to Cite

Ríos, H. A., Perdomo, O. J. ., Gómez, F. E. ., Rosenstiehl, S. M. ., González , F. A. ., & Rodríguez , F. J. . (2017). Neuronal network in the detection of diabetic macular edema in eye fondus images. Revista Médica Sanitas, 20(1), 6-15. Retrieved from //


Introduction: Diabetic Macular Edema is one of the main causes of legal blindness worldwide. The use of Artificial Networks may be helpful in the identification of Diabetic Macular Edema, particularly in developing countries, where there are huge limitations to access specialized care. Objectives: To establish the sensitivity and specificity of a diagnostic test based on an Artificial Neuronal Network for the automatic detection of Diabetic Macular Edema based on images of the posterior pole of the eye. Methodology: Cross section study of a diagnostic test based on an Artificial Neuronal Network evaluating the sensitivity and specificity of the diagnosis of the Diabetic Macular Edema in images of the posterior pole of the eye. Results: The network showed a precision of 73.5% in detecting and classifying the type of Edema, during the treatment stage. In the final stage, when comparing the network against the gold standard, the former resulted in a 61% and 69% sensitivity and specificity, respectively (positive predictive value of 63% and negative predictive value of 67%) for the detection of edema. The sensitivity was 70% and the specificity was 61% for the correct classification of the edema (positive predictive value of 64% and negative predictive value of 68%). Conclusion: The Artificial Neuronal Network showed a good performance in the detection and classification of Diabetic Macular Edema. This research is the first step towards the development of telemedicine tools to provide support and coverage for the detection of eye pathologies using eye fundus images.

PDF (Español (España))


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