Introduction: Urinary tract infection is the most frequent bacterial infection in the outpatient environment. Most of these infections are caused by enterobacteria, particularly Escherichia coli with approximately 86-90% of the isolates. Antimicrobial uropathogens resistance has grown in the last few years. Objective: To describe the most frequent infectious agents causing urinary tract infection in outpatients, and to characterize their susceptibility profiles and rates of resistance. Methodology: The isolates of urocultures of primary care patients at the Organización Sanitas Internacional all over the country were reviewed from 2009 – 2013. Results: A total of 33,819 urocultures were analyzed. E. coli was identified as the primary infectious agent (73.6%), presenting a low extended-spectrum beta-lactamase expression percentage. Klebsiella Pneumoniae was isolated in 6.5% of the cases, with 8.94% fluoroquinolone resistance, and trimetropim-sulfamethoxazol 18.36%; ESBL production accounted for 11.58%. P. Mirabilis was present in 6.06% of the isolates, and finally P. Aeruginosa was present in 1.2% with 15.1% ciprofloxacin resistance and 4.6% meropenem resistance. Conclusions: E. coli is still the major causative agent in urinary tract infections. The high rate of ciprofloxacin and trimetropim-sulfamethoxazol resistance limits the empirical use of these agents so the remaining therapeutic options are Cefuroxime, nitrofurantoin, and fosfomycin. According to these results, the rate of resistance to quinolones and trimetropim-sulfamethoxazol has raised throughout the years, limiting the empirical use of these antimicrobials for UTIs.
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