Characterization of extreme maternal morbidity at the Colombia University Clinic
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Mortalidad materna
Hemorragia posparto
Complicaciones del embarazo
Servicios de salud materna Maternal mortality
Post-partum bleeding
, Preeclampsia
Pregnancy complications
Maternal healthcare services

How to Cite

Henao, L. ., Cañón, M. ., & Herrera, M. . (2016). Characterization of extreme maternal morbidity at the Colombia University Clinic: A series of cases. Revista Médica Sanitas, 19(2), 66-77. Retrieved from //


Introduction: Maternal mortality has been used as an indicator of a country’s development and the quality of maternal healthcare services. Per every death, there are many women that experience severe pregnancy-associated complications. Extreme maternal mortality provides a model to understand the scenario of preventable conditions and factors that contribute to the death of the mother. Objective: To describe the epidemiological and clinical characteristics of pregnant women with a diagnosis of extreme maternal morbidity at the Colombia University Clinic from June 2012 through December 2013. Methodology: Historic case series. Included all the pregnant patients presenting with extreme maternal morbidity admitted to the Colombia University Clinic from the beginning of the mandatory event reporting as a sentinel institution from June 2012 through December 2013. A descriptive analysis of the variables and an investigation of any associations was performed. Results: Out of 4842 deliveries, 35 patients developed extreme maternal morbidity (0.72 %). Most patients had a single gestational pregnancy, were in their first pregnancy and were compliant with their prenatal controls. The most frequently identified comorbidity was obesity (30 %). The incidence of extreme maternal morbidity was 7.2 per 1000 live births, with a maternal mortality of 61.96 cases per 100.000 live births (fatality rate of 12:1). The main associated cause was bleeding (42.85 %), followed by severe hypertensive disorders (37.14 %). Conclusions: The incidence of extreme maternal morbidity and mortality at our institution is similar to the level reported by other clinics in our country, higher than the rates in developed countries and lower than the rates reported by Venezuela and some African countries. The severe obstetric outcomes may be overestimated because the institution is a referral center for severe conditions.

PDF (Español (España))


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