Clinicla practice guidelines for diagnoses and treatment of uterine myomatosis at Colsanitas Clinic
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Miomectomía uterina
Guía de práctica clínica
Servicio de ginecología y obstetricia en hospital Leiomyoma
Uterine myomectomy
Practice guideline
Obstetrics and gynecology department

How to Cite

Luna Rios, J. ., Ortíz Ortíz, N. ., Cáceres Ferro, D. ., Zambrano, C., Mendivelso Duarte, F. ., & Barrero , . L. . (2017). Clinicla practice guidelines for diagnoses and treatment of uterine myomatosis at Colsanitas Clinic. Revista Médica Sanitas, 20(1), 30-39. Retrieved from //


Introduction: The prevalence of uterine fibroids exceeds 70% and is a frequent cause of hysterectomy as a result of abnormal uterine hemorrhage and associated symptoms. There are multiple strategies to manage fibroids and the evidence is insufficient and controversial, leading to a wide variability in clinical practice. Objective: To adapt clinical practice guidelines to assist in decision-making for the diagnosis and treatment of patients with suspicious or diagnosed uterine myomatosis at the Sanitas organization. Materials and methods: During 2015 a process of guidelines adaptation was undertaken, following the national and international recommendations that included the creation of a developer team, the design of 11 clinical questions using PICO, search of pre-existing guidelines in renowned websites, selection and evaluation of four clinical practice guidelines for adaptation, a non-formal expert consensus, writing, and distribution and approval of the document. Results: 59 clinical recommendations were adapted for the diagnosis and treatment of uterine myomatosis, in accordance with the characteristics of the population served at the institution. Conclusion: Having evidence-based recommendations for managing patients with uterine myomatosis contributes to improving the quality of healthcare, reduces any unjustified clinical variability and shows the feasibility of producing clinical guidelines consistent with the needs of the institution leading to better use of the resources available.

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