The testimonial narrative as an element for the bioethics comprehension in the decision making of teenagers that have terminated their pregnancy
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Narrativa testimonial Abortion
Narrative testimonial

How to Cite

Franco, A. (2011). The testimonial narrative as an element for the bioethics comprehension in the decision making of teenagers that have terminated their pregnancy. Revista Médica Sanitas, 14(2), 38-46. Retrieved from //


The present article concentrates in a reflection bioethics from the narrative ethics around the abortion induced in adolescents. The fact is reviewed to live the adolescence in a country with particularities and social fragmentation as it is it Colombia, the problematic one of the pregnancy in minors, the legislation around the minors, particularly the legalization of the abortion. One considers like hypothesis: It allows the testimonial narrative to clarify the values of a sub-group of adolescents (with addictive disease) against a complex situation that requires a quick taking of decision as it is it the voluntary interruption of the pregnancy? The necessity concludes to distinguish the cases and their circumstances in the understanding bioethics of these.

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