Towards value-based healthcare
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Prestación de atención en salud
Sistemas de salud
Seguro basado en valor Delivery of health care
Health systems
Value-based insurance

How to Cite

Caicedo Montaño, C. A., Gómez Rivadeneira, A. ., Díaz Garzón, F. G. ., Muñoz Escobar, Álvaro, & Isaza Ruget, M. A. . (2017). Towards value-based healthcare: Literature review. Revista Médica Sanitas, 20(3), 164-173. Retrieved from //


The future of healthcare systems involves a transformation from Volume-based Healthcare into Value-based Healthcare. Health value seeks to reorient health services to enhance the way people healthcare needs are met, while maintaining an optimal ratio between costs and results. This literature review summarizes the necessary components to generate value in healthcare organizations, presents some examples of national and international experiences, and concludes with the implications of such healthcare transformation for insurers and providers.

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