Educational strategies in adolescents for prevention of sexually transmitted diseases
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Enfermedades de transmisión sexual
Salud del adolescente
Educación sexual
Prevención de enfermedades Sexually transmitted diseases
Adolescent health
Sex education
Prevention and control

How to Cite

Erika , E. ., Quijano, L. ., Paredes, M. C. ., & Obando, E. . (2016). Educational strategies in adolescents for prevention of sexually transmitted diseases. Revista Médica Sanitas, 19(4), 198-207. Retrieved from //


Sexually transmitted diseases are a major public health concern for adolescent populations due to their psychological and biological vulnerability. The development of structured education programs and counseling has proven to be the most effective strategies for the control and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases. These methods focus on the attitudes and risk practices necessary to delay the onset of sexual activity, reduce the number of partners, promote the consistent use of barrier methods, and conduct screenings for early STD detection and treatment. This review aims to present the different educational strategies employed worldwide to reduce the incidence of STD, as well as the ways in which these methods vary in impact as a result of their approaches, educational methods, and the specific aspects of their respective target populations.

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