Epidemiology of child abuse according to Sanitas Organization in Bogotá
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Abuso infantil
Prevención Epidemiology
Child abuse

How to Cite

Briceño, G. D. ., Durán Flórez, M. E. ., Blanco, G. ., & Zorro Cerón, S. . (2015). Epidemiology of child abuse according to Sanitas Organization in Bogotá. Revista Médica Sanitas, 18(1), 21-28. Retrieved from //revistas.unisanitas.edu.co/index.php/rms/article/view/380


Introduction: Child abuse is a prevalent condition in Colombia. Objective: to describe the clinical-epidemiological characteristics of the cases seen at the Sanitas Organization in Bogotá. Methodology: descriptive, cross-sectional study in minors under 18 years of age. Case identification based on the information from the “Programa de Buen Trato” (Sound Treatment Program) of the Sanitas International Organization. Additional information included the review of digital medical records. Variables: sex, age, reason for medical visit, relationship of the victim with the offender, place, date, number of previous episodes. Results: 192 cases of child abuse from 2012 to 2014. The average age was 8.9 years, 57.8% girls, primarily school children (37.2%) and adolescents (34%). 70% of the events took place at home; sexual abuse was the first cause of child abuse, followed by emotional abuse with a history of previous physical abuse in 54.2% of the cases. The average number of days elapsed from the time of the abuse to its identification was 45.5 days; 18 (26.5%) were reported on the first day, 40 (58.8%) in the course of the first week, 56 (82.4%) in the course of the first month and 3 (4.4%) after one year. The offender lives with the abused minor in 44.3% of the cases. The diagnosis was made through an outpatient visit in 69.3%. In 28.1% of the cases the reason for consultation was not associated with child abuse. Conclusion: child abuse is a frequent condition in our environment and in most cases the diagnostic suspicion led to its identification through outpatient visits, though abuse was not the reason for consultation. This indeed shows increased awareness about the situation that calls for home-based preventive actions.

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