Askin's tumor: case report
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Pared torácica
sarcoma de Ewing
tomografía computarizada Chest wall
Ewing sarcoma
computed tomography

How to Cite

Caicedo Montaño, C. A., Vargas López , C. C. ., Granados Castro , D. S. ., & Gómez Viñas , C. E. . (2023). Askin’s tumor: case report. Revista Médica Sanitas, 25(2).


Askin's tumor is a type of primitive neuroectodermal tumor of the family of small blue cell tumors, and is part of the extraosseous Ewing sarcoma. We present a case of a 14-year-old male adolescent, who during a right humerus X-ray had found an ipsilateral apical extrapulmonary mass, which was later characterized by chest X-ray and computed tomography. The percutaneous biopsy revealed histopathological and immunohistochemical findings that confirmed the suspicion of Askin's tumor. Treatment was performed with resection of the lesion, pleurectomy, and pulmonary decortication by thoracoscopy, to later start chemotherapy and radiotherapy. The article also analyzes the imaging findings described in the literature.
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