Introduction: Propionic Acidemia (PA) is an inborn metabolic disorder in the long list of rare diseases. Management of PA in Colombia is limited, probably due to poor knowledge of the disease. The end point of this research is aimed at determining the level of knowledge of the pediatric specialists about the diagnosis of the disease. This document reports the results of the pilot test done to validate the trial to determine sufficiency; and then, following this process, use the tool in the final trial. Objective: to validate a test to measure the level of knowledge about diagnosing Propionic Acidemia among the residents of pediatrics, within the framework of knowledge evaluation of the pediatricians at the Health Promoter Organization (HPO) Sanitas. Methodology: the pilot test was administered to 40 residents in their third year of pediatrics from various universities in Bogotá, in order to validate the test to determine sufficiency, and then to use the tool in the final trial. Results: several gaps could be identified in the knowledge regarding the diagnosis of inborn metabolic error such as PA. As a whole, there were only 42% of satisfactory answers. Therefore, the results of the evaluation were rated as poor, since less than 70% achieved satisfactory results. Conclusions: the level of knowledge of third year residents of pediatrics of various universities in Bogotá in terms of diagnosing PA is poor: less than 70% of the medical students surveyed obtained satisfactory results.
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