Reflections about placebo effect and some implications for clinical practice 
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Efecto placebo
Dolor Placebos
Placebo effect

How to Cite

Chiquiza, J. P., Sosa, J. D., & Gómez, A. . (2019). Reflections about placebo effect and some implications for clinical practice . Revista Médica Sanitas, 22(1), 17-20. Retrieved from //


In this article several theories and concepts related to the placebo, typology and clinical implications will be presented. The placebo is an inert substance lacking therapeutic action that generates a neurobiological effect positive to the health when administered in a patient. If the effect is unfavorable, it is called nocebo effect. The neurobiological changes, psychological theories of conditioning and expectations explain the way placebo works. There are two groups: tangible placebos (pills, injections) and intangible placebos (words, sermons, doctor-patient relationship). The placebo is a medical tool potentially beneficial for patient health if it is used properly, generating positive expectations and desire for improvement.

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