Vesico ureteral reflux diagnosis in children with urinary tract infection
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Infección urinaria
Reflujo vesicoureteral Gammagraphy
Urinary tract infection
Vesico ureteral reflux

How to Cite

González, L. E., Briceño, G. D. ., & Galindo, A. F. (2021). Vesico ureteral reflux diagnosis in children with urinary tract infection. Revista Médica Sanitas, 13(1), 8-17. Retrieved from //


Urinary tract infections (UTI) are non-epidemic bacterial illnesses that are most frequent in infancy where 3 - 5% of girls and 1 - 2% of boys are affected at least once throughout their childhood. Among the factors that predispose them to a urinary tract infection, vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) is the most frequent by 25 - 50%, being present in 18 - 50% of the patients with their first episode of a urinary tract infection. However, for some authors, none had found major vesicoureteral reflux in any of their patients that justified immediate intervention. Actually, children with their first episode of a urinary tract infection are given exams such as a renal ultrasound and micturition urethrocystography (MUC) to evaluate the urinary tracts and to discard VUR. Controversy exists on the necessity of a MUC in every child, given that the majority of children present minor grades of VUR, in which a doctor handles, and only the major grades of VURs are considered other options of management

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